The Boss from Hell! How to Deal with a Bad BossThe bad news is that if the toxic person is your boss, then you have a very, very tough situation. The good news is that it’s not impossible. You do have options (though none are really great). In any workplace, it’s smart to “manage up,” which means you should manage Read More |
Coworkers from Hell! How to Deal with Bad Apples, Gossips, Jerks, and Other Difficult ColleaguesThe Saboteur. The Demeanor. The Bad Apple. The Gossip. These aren’t costumed Halloween characters; they’re the people you work with. And they’re not alone. There’s also the Jerk, the Complainer, the Victim, the Micromanager, the Know-It-All, and the Competitor. These are the difficult Read More |
Bad Apples: Six Strategies to Deal with Nightmare Co-WorkersEvery company has at least one bad apple. These are the people who don’t respect the organization or their coworkers, are negative, don’t carry their own weight, or sabotage the work of others. A bad apple is like a bad virus—their attitude can affect morale, trust, and productivity. Read More |
Setting (and Achieving!) Your Professional Goals in the New YearThe New Year is officially here, and by now you’ve probably thought of a few changes you’d like to make in your personal and professional life. Everyone loves the allure of a fresh start and many of us hope to end next year with more successes than in years past. But, as we all know, good Read More |
Suck Ups Need Not Apply“Let’s be clear: Managing up is NOT about brown nosing, sucking up, or becoming a sycophant. Managing up is about consciously and intentionally developing effective relationships with supervisors, bosses, and other people above you in the food chain. It is a deliberate and strategic effort Read More |
Is Your Boss an Innie or an Outie?Personality preferences drive behavior. At work, it’s easy to feel frustrated by the behaviors of others. When we experience annoying behaviors, we tend to make up stories (usually negative ones) about the reasons behind those behaviors. For example, if our boss prefers to keep his door closed Read More |
What’s So Funny About Peace, Love, and Understanding?Imagine working in an environment where kindness is the norm. A workplace where everyone feels valued and valuable. A workplace where civility reigns and gratitude for all is abundant. Pipe dream? We think not. Too touchy-feely? We beg to differ. Studies show that when employees are regularly shown Read More |
Managing Up for Graduates: An Interview with Careerstone President, Mary Abbajay, Author of ManagingWhat does it mean to “manage up”, and how can managing up help you succeed in your first job, and beyond? Managing up means managing the relationships that matter most in the workplace—especially the ones with our bosses. It is not about sucking up, kissing butt, or becoming a sycophant. Read More |
Six Ways to Show Your Appreciation on National Boss DayWe’ve all heard of employee appreciation, but how often do we take the time to show gratitude for our managers and leaders at work? Bosses don’t often receive recognition for the hard work they put into managing other people, solving employees’ problems, and ensuring everything is running Read More |
5 Tips to Navigate Holiday-Party Season at WorkFor some, the office holiday party is a great opportunity to unwind from stressors, such as fourth quarter financial reports or performance evaluations. It provides employees the chance to socialize with their peers and create new connections in a low-stakes environment. For others, the holiday party Read More |
Re-Energize Your Team: Planning a Successful On-Site, Off-Site, or Virtual Retreat!Planning a team or company-wide retreat may sound like a daunting task. While it takes a lot of time (and energy) to organize, the payoff for holding a retreat will certainly make it worthwhile. Whether your team is virtual, in the office, or hybrid, you’ll benefit from a retreat that brings people Read More |
We Manage Up, Too! How the CSG Team Manages Up to Mary AbbajayWith Boss’ Day right around the corner, we’ve decided to focus on the importance of Managing Up. Not only did our talented boss, Mary Abbajay, write a whole book on the topic, we work hard to put her advice into action. Yes, that’s right, here at Careerstone Group, we don’t just teach Managing Read More |
Meaningful Mentoring: Build a Partnership that Works!This season of gratitude is the perfect time to reflect on those who’ve made a positive impact on your professional career: Think of a time that someone invested in your career. What did they do? What was the impact? How did it make you feel? Now, focus on where you are in your career Read More |
Empathy in the Workplace: Engage with IntentionWith Valentine’s Day just around the corner, what better way to show your colleagues you care than by refreshing your empathic skills? At Careerstone Group, we’ve noticed a strong uptick in the number of requests for training and facilitation focusing on Emotional Intelligence, in which empathy plays Read More |
Make Kindness ContagiousEvery February, we show our loved ones we care about them with special days dedicated to our Valentines and Galentines. Why not extend that attitude to our workplaces and share our appreciation for our wonderful bosses and colleagues? As conversations around mental health and overall wellbeing become Read More |
Powerful Workplace PeersIn the professional world, we often think of coaching as something for executives. The truth is, everyone can benefit from coaching and appropriate “coaches” may be sitting in the office right across the hall…or floating in a rectangle on your most recent video meeting. Teams and organizations Read More |
Manage Up, Down, & Across For Career SuccessAs much as we would love to believe that the workplace is (or should be) a complete meritocracy, where just being great at our individual job is all that we need to succeed, reality tells a different story. The real (and inconvenient) truth is that the workplace is a social system—and in a social system, Read More |