Careerstone Group Insights Posts Tagged "Remote Work"

7 Tips to Stay Engaged as a Remote Worker

Millions of American workers find themselves making the transition from a traditional office environment to a virtual—and often­–makeshift home office in light of the COVID-19 outbreak. Keeping morale and productivity high when you’re stuck working inside and away from coworkers…  Read More

Guest Blog Post: Preparing for the Transition: How to Budget When You Work From Home

By: Nathalie Ronan   The rise of remote work has brought many changes for today’s professionals. While there are financial benefits, there are also costs that those used to working in an office may not immediately realize. And if you’re preparing for your own transition from office-based…  Read More

Don’t Ghost Your Boss: How to Manage Up in a Virtual World

Our bosses have enormous influence over our career trajectory, so the ability to work successfully with one’s boss is a critical element for achieving success in the workplace. This is called “managing up.” Those who successfully manage up, know how to intentionally cultivate a robust…  Read More

Virtual Holiday Party Tips - Interview With Charlotte Reid

We talked to Charlotte Reid, co-founder of Reid Rodell Event Planning, and a dear friend of Careerstone Group to get her expert advice on planning a five-star virtual event. Read the interview for her professional tips below!   Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background – what…  Read More

It’s Not Too Late to Take Back Your Time

When we started working from home, many of us were excited by the prospect of having more time on our hands. We thought we would win back all that time spent commuting to the office. Now we all know that isn’t exactly how it turned out. Thanks to the 24/7 virtual life, we find ourselves consumed…  Read More

Guest Blog Post: Developing Leadership Skills as a Remote Worker

By Nathalie Ronan Despite the challenges that come with working remotely, studies have shown that workplace productivity has remained stable for most workers. Much of it has to do with the employers providing greater flexibility, a reliable infrastructure, and work policy adjustments around…  Read More

A Year of Living Remotely

We’ve rounded the corner to a strange anniversary:  one year of living, working, and hopefully surviving the restrictions, stresses, and uncertainties of a global pandemic. In short, a year of living remotely. After this year, many of us have enough experience and have logged enough hours…  Read More

Navigating the Next Normal

You made the transition from working from the office to working at home over a year ago. Now it’s time to make another shift – navigating a combination of remote, hybrid, and in-person work – or the “Next Normal.” No matter where you sit on the organizational chart, it’s important to learn…  Read More

We Manage Up, Too! How the CSG Team Manages Up to Mary Abbajay

With Boss’ Day right around the corner, we’ve decided to focus on the importance of Managing Up. Not only did our talented boss, Mary Abbajay, write a whole book on the topic, we work hard to put her advice into action. Yes, that’s right, here at Careerstone Group, we don’t just teach Managing…  Read More

Effectively Manage Your Hybrid Team

There’s no better time to show your boss some extra appreciation than on National Boss’ Day (October 16 this year!). Effectively managing a team in the evolving work world is no easy feat. From adapting to countless workplace shifts and continuing to embrace progress, modern leaders stepped up to…  Read More

Infuse Fun Into Your Workplace This Year

We spend the majority of our waking hours at work, which over a lifetime averages out to one third of our lives or about 90,000 hours. At Careerstone, we believe you should enjoy as many of those hours as you can. While it might not be possible to eliminate all the stress associated with your job, infusing…  Read More

Cultivating Culture in the Hybrid Workplace

For most of our clients, the hybrid workplace is here to stay. Many organizations have incorporated workplace flexibilities in ways we could not have imagined prior to the pandemic. Now there are myriad ways to “show up” at work — in the office, from one’s home office, or even a plane ride away…  Read More